Monday, February 1, 2021

New Songs (Show #179)

These are the brand new songs I played during the latest Lost in the Tracks show (#179).

"Early Morning Breeze" - Kishi Bashi

"See You Soon" - Matt Sucich

"Stay" - The Shang Hi Los

"Wilder Days" - Morgan Wade

"White Window Light" - Madeline Kenney

"Unspoken Hopes" - Stephen Chopek

Idea and format for these posts came from the Music Savage website. 


  1. So much amazing music here! Love that Stephen Chopek song a whole lot. And you are representing my hometown rock n' roller Jenny Dee with her new The Shang Hi Los track! So awesome!

    1. Hey RyanD! Stephen Chopek here. Thanks for listening to "Unspoken Hopes". Glad you like the song!!

  2. Yes, I had heard the members of The Shang Hi Los was made up of musicians who had been playing in other Boston area bands for some years now and was wondering if you were familiar with them.

    I agree with you on Stephen Chopek. From what I understand, he's similar to McCartney in that he's proficient on enough instruments that he can produce a song all by himself. Good skills to have during a pandemic!

    1. Hey Dean! It's me, Stephen Chopek. Thanks for including my song in your show!! I really appreciate the support.
